Thursday, March 20, 2008


I have had a week.

first up, Ian Hawke M. was born March 13th @ 5:22 am, 11 lbs 3 oz, 21.5 in and perfect.

yes, vaginally.

second, we had to transfer to the hospital. and I am still greatly sorting out my feelings and disappointment, and weighing my highs and lows. all is well that ends well, right?

sorry, my body still hurts and am in a funk. when I am not nursing I will post some pictures, he is beautiful and a wonderful addition to our family. I am beyond thrilled that he is here and out and was head down. there were some many signs from God during our birth and I felt His presence every step of the way. He definately made it all possible.


Lostinindy said...

Congrats on the birth of your precious little boy. I'm sorry the birth wasn't all that you had hoped. I hope with time you can make peace with it. He sounds precious.

Tyggereye said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to meet Ian.