Bath in motion but his eyes are beautiful!
I am married to the most amazing man, have 4 of the best children, and we stay crazy busy from sunrise to sunset. I know I am blessed and am humbled daily by the life He has given to little old me. Follow us on our journey through life.
In labor (hour 15). This was the most comfortable position for me. I could feel all the contractions working effectively like this. If I layed down, they would hurt more and space out big time. By hanging or squatting or swaying, I could feel my cervix getting the work out.
John thought it would be funny to put the remote on my back, haha
welcome to the world Ian Hawke. 26 hours of labor, a hospital transfer, and pushing with 4 contractions produced this 11 lb 3 oz of perfection
A. sometimes help put the goo on but she always runs to get a towel to wipe it off. She thinks it's ucky. The heartbeat is still such a beautiful sound to hear.
She did ask if I wanted to be checked and I actually accepted out of sheer curiousity. I am at 1 cm but very soft and squishy and she could actually feel his head! That was great news after him being breeched and then being sideways for a bit. She offered to stir up my cervix and I said no, I am not ready and I can wait. My first EDD is tomorrow but going by my LMP it would be the 11th so I can hold out another week or so ;)
A. was checking the blood pressure of my and while Anne did my arm! A. loves all my check ups and has her own kit to do it all. Anne always let her help measure and put the goo on the doppler to listen to the heartbeat. I wanted John to get those pictures too but maybe next week.
Here you can see all the new stretch marks that have appeared in the last week. Every baby leaves there mark in a different place and baby boy has decided that my upper belly was in need of some. They itch so bad and when I scratch them, I leave them all red and raised even more. I feel like I could scratch my skin right off and I would be okay with that!
What do you think...about 9 or 10 lbs? That's what I am thinking! A. was 9.9, M. was 9.12, J. was 8.13 but he was induce 9 days early so he def. would have been closer to 10 lbs. I am hoping I break that 10 lb mark just to make everyone's eyes bug out when I tell them...I am all for shocking! I have carried each one differently also so it's hard to tell. I LOVE my belly :)
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